Our Pricing Plans

Create your website first, then choose the right plan to grow


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The Starter plan is completely free and comes with awesome features that can be used to create high quality websites.

1 Free Website

Create your website at no cost

Free Hosting

Zero configs, launch immediately

Blog Features

Everything you need for blogs

SEO Features

SEO optimization included

Mobile Friendly

Looks good on all devices


Team Traleor is here for you


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Starting from $20, you can take your website to the next level with Traleor Prime.

Traleor Starter

All the features of the Starter plan.

Custom Domain

Give your website a unique name.

Custom Template

We craft a unique template for you

2+ Collaborators

Create more with your team onboard


Build with your own tools

Premium Support

Get one to one support from our team.


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The Enterprise plan starts from $50 and comes with all the features of Traleor Starter, Prime and more.

Traleor Prime

All Prime features are included

Custom Features

Functionality tailored for your business

More Collaborators

Add more collaborators to your team

Custom Integrations

Integrate your website with third party services

You tell us

We can build anything you want.


Here are some of the most frequently asked questions on Traleor

  • All Traleor websites come with fast, secure, and reliable hosting. The free plan include a free subdomain while the paid plans come with custom domains

  • Yes at any time, simply reach out via customer support

  • Yes, all Traleor websites come with fast, secure, and reliable hosting. The free plan include a free subdomain while the paid plans come with custom domains

  • Whether you've been in the business for decades or for just about some months, having a website can only guarantee positive results. Check Here for more insights

  • It all depends on the type of website you have in mind. Essentially it takes about 15 minutes to set up and launch a basic website using Traleor. To help you go even faster we have put together a tutorial video to help through the process. Watch the Video Tutorial

  • Ready to take your first step?

    Traleor is your trusted partner, equipped to provide the tools, guidance, and unwavering support you need. Whether you're an entrepreneur, content creator, or business owner, we're dedicated to helping you flourish in the digital age.